Monday, November 5, 2007

The rest before the push

I'm delighted to say the weekend was productive. While I didn't sleep as well as I would have liked, I was relaxed and happy. I cleaned and shopped and knit and cooked. All my favorite things to do. There was enough time to do everything. I have completed the to-do items on my list so now it's just down to writing down the items I need to throw into my bag when the time comes.

I finished the sleeves to the Lovely Lady Oriel. Blocked them too. Started the scarf and found I don't have enough yarn to do what I want to do. So I'm swatching on the fly and thinking I'm going to switch to size 17 needles. The two strand garter stitch I am using is too hard and thick to be a wrappable scarf. If I alternate the smooth yarn and the Lumpy Bumpy in stockinette it's too soft. Trying garter with just the lumpy bumpy is leaving too little yarn to make a scarf. So I'll swatch with 17 inch needles to see if the extra space makes it softer and more wrappable, plus using less yarn and allowing me to make a scarf of length.

This was supposed to be an easy project so I could have a hat for the trip. HAHA. The best laid plans of mice and men.

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