Wednesday, July 2, 2008

The attention span of a gnat

I'm supposed to be sipping a mint julep in my lounge chair right now. Instead I spent the better part of the evening shoveling bark dust (mulch) around my yard. It's OK I knew the job was dangerous when I took it (obscure Super Chicken reference alert). Super Chicken Wikipedia In order to have a nice backyard, you have to work like a dog for an eternity or two or three.

This is my eternity.

However, I was rewarded by a view of the yard as I passed by last night. Damn it's looking good. There are some rough spots, yet, which I hope to dispatch this weekend. And then we will have to find some patio furniture to support the afore mentioned drinking of cold beverages.

No pictures yet, we've got a few more spots to make it really photogenic.

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