Thursday, May 22, 2008

A good experience

Work should toughen you up some. I sit at a desk all day, so not so much. This past weekend I was able to work outside - in the 90 + degree heat - all weekend long. It felt really good and really hard and I loved every minute of it. Even the sweaty hard ass busting parts.

I only got a little sunburned. For a day or two I saw a slight tan and I panicked a little bit that maybe my sun screen hadn't worked. After all of the effort I had put into getting my sun spots taken off it was hard for me to even consider that I had undone any of the work.

I think it will be ok.

So here is a lovely picture from the yard. Grass in and all.

In other news, I have lost my ability to knit. I have turned the same heel 3 times now and it's still not working for me. I hope my knitting skills return someday. I truly want to finish these socks for Marc.

I'm not sure if this is a new disease that robs you of your faculties so slowly that you don't notice until one day you simply cannot function like a normal person anymore. I'm a mess.

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