Thursday, July 3, 2008

Four Day weekend

I know that Summer Afternoon are supposed to be the loveliest words in the English language, but honestly I think 4 day weekend has them beat by a mile. Combine 4 day weekend and Summer Afternoon and you will truly have me on my knees in appreciation.

I am now officially a Notorious Sock Knitter - a member of Blue Moon Fiber Arts Rockin Sock club. I didn't know much about it earlier and now I do I want to go to sock camp. To say it sounds like a lot of fun is an understatement. Hanging out with other knitters in a housework free, childless environment.

Almost too much fun to bear.

So more yard work, and then I promise pictures of the yard. I hope to have some fun and sleep this weekend.

I can't wait for the sock yarn to arrive. For me because I joined late it will come all at once and I will struggle (in a fun way) to catch up. Drowning in a sea of yarn. Too great.

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